Nonton anime kirepapa sub indo
Nonton anime kirepapa sub indo

It is pretty funny, I guess, if you like so-bad-it's-good stuff, but even then I think there are better options out there in that category. They were pretty much all disgusting people, and none of them were even slightly well-written. Kouki Miyata as Riju sounded particularly bad. I don't know if it's because it would have been some of the actors' earlier roles, so maybe they weren't that good at it yet, or if they just weren't taking it too seriously. I mean, it's not completely terrible, and there are some well-known voice actors in it, but it's just not very good. When the music starts in a scene, it oftentimes sounds really jarring. There's no opening or ending theme and the music they use throughout the show really doesn't fit the situations most of the time. The characters oftentimes make really disgusting faces. We are told that in-universe, Chisato, Riju, and Shunsuke are all supposed to be considered really beautiful, but they all look really, really ugly. In episode 2, Riju's grandfather (Chisato's dad) is introduced, and he is obviously disturbed by the fact that his 30-something year old son is dating a 15 year old and that his 15 year old grandson is dating an adult, but the show treats it as if the grandfather is the bad guy for being against their relationships, when he is the only sane one! It's all really disgusting. It's all very gross, but the show treats it like there isn't anything wrong with it. To make things even creepier, in episode 2, Riju, who is only 15, starts dating an adult man. Even though Chisato was straight beforehand and even though Shunsuke is only 15, they end up dating. In the end, it turns out he was wrong and that Shunsuke is actually into him (Chisato). Riju has a best friend named Shunsuke, who Chisato hates because he assumes that Shunsuke wants to molest Riju.

nonton anime kirepapa sub indo

For some reason he just assumes that everyone really wants to molest his son, which makes absolutely no sense and he has no reason to think that. It is about a dad named Chisato, who is for some reason convinced that every single male in the entire universe wants to sexually assault his son, Riju. I usually try to avoid spoilers in my reviews, but a lot of the GARBAGE that I want to talk about surrouding this show involves spoilers. I doubt anyone really cares about getting spoiled about Kirepapa, but I am just going to warn you that this review does have spoilers. Even if it was only a two episode OVA, this is probably the worst anime I have ever watched.

Nonton anime kirepapa sub indo